Sunday, June 12, 2011

Super Baby

Let me sum up:
Hygena from "Who Wants to Be a Superhero" had a baby!

Let me splain:
I love me some Stan Lee. I love me some superhero reality TV. And I was sad to see this cheese-tastic endeavor get cancelled after 2 seasons.

I enjoyed Season 2. I actually auditioned for it, and met lots of fabulous geeks along the way (haven't watched my audition video in years, and I make no promises as to its quality. Mixing geeky auditions with a WWE Mall tour, frankly, did not seem like good synergy). One of the niftiest folks I met at the St. Lois auditions was Ms. Smegabyte, who digitized my "Mad Love Harley Quinn" vhs for YouTubes! Anyhoo, WWTBASH is long gone, so I'm comfortable revealing my secret identity.

The geek in me was rooting for Basura at the beginning of Season 2--she made our ranks very proud. Buy I had a soft spot for Hygena/Melody Mooney. I've long since lost touch with the fine Superheros on the Syfy forums, but I had a recent, random compulsion to google Hygena. Though she didn't win, she did show enormous heroism when she shared about her and her husband's battle to conceive. My husband and I aren't there yet, but I'm pretty terrified about the prospect of trying to make tiny humans, even in the best case scenario. Anyhoo, Hygena shared in the finale that she had struggled, but that she and her husband were going to try again. And since then I've googled (maybe once a year?) hoping for happy news. Which emerged recently! And my salty kryptonite did flow. Super-Mom, Dad, and baby appear to be doing well.

~Geek out

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